Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stars, Cars and Dinosaurs

Today we went to a nursery school program for children between the ages of 3-5. Run by a Christian NGO, the school reaches out to the local slums. Parents who are either working or can't take care of their children during the day can drop their children off for a day of programs. For 10 Thai Baht (33 cents) the child can have a safe learning environment that also includes a meal. Sometimes families struggle just to be able to pay that amount.
Pictured left is a vacant lot located next to the school. Some years ago, there had been a fire that had destroyed many homes in the slums so this area had been set up with emergency tents for 55 families. Can you imagine that many families all living in a lot this size?

Basically all we had to do was entertain the kids for a couple hours so we brought face paint and balloons and had some fun dramas planned out. Our team of six split up into two groups. Three of my friends performed a program where they sang songs and acted out a simple drama with a message on forgiveness. They had a lot of fun playing with all the kids as they danced around.

The rest of us went through four class rooms and did face painting. We actually painted their hands as many of the children come from Buddhist families and touching the head is considered disrespectful. The kids were really cute and sat patiently as I painted butterflies, stars, cars, and dinosaurs on their hands. I had a great time and wished we could have stayed longer.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome catching up on your blog Ryan. God bless the rest of your trip - I'm jealous of all you're experiencing!
